Welcome to Kick Ass Dental

Shop 4/95 Edwin St North, Croydon NSW 2132



We treat you with respect, we listen to your concerns and formulate the best treatment for your needs.

You should start to clean your child’s teeth as soon as their teeth are erupted. Lower front teeth start to erupt around 6 months of age. These teeth should be clean initially using a damp soft cloth two times a day, after breakfast and before bed. Transition into a small soft child toothbrush later on as more back teeth erupts. Refrain from using children toothpaste until they are older, around 18 months or when they can confidently spit the toothpaste out.

ADA NSW – Your Oral Health

Your child should have the first check up before their first birthday. This in -clinic examination by a dentist will help to identify children with high-risk dental decay.

ADA NSW – Children

You should choose a soft bristle with a small head. This is applied to both electric and manual toothbrushes. Toothpaste should be fluoridated and nonabrasive, to prevent abrasion to your teeth.

We recommend Colgate Ultra Compact Head toothbrush with Colgate Total toothpaste, for sensitive teeth Colgate 306 Sensitive toothbrush with Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste.

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At Kick Ass Dental we use digital imaging which produces the least radiation. Dental x-rays produce about 0.005mSv of radiation which is equivalent to a 1 to 2 hours flight, or the same radiation from sunlight that you receive each day. We recommend x-rays at your initial examination to detect dental diseases. You will only need to update every 2-3 years if you are in the low risk of dental disease.

Yes, you do need to floss every day. Flossing removes the plaque that built up between your teeth. Plaque causes caries and gums disease.

We recommend any thin waxed floss will do.

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The most common reason for bleeding gums is gingivitis, which is cause by neglected oral hygiene. Gingivitis is reversible with meticulous oral hygiene. If bleeding gums persists with meticulous oral hygiene, you should book an appointment at Kick Ass Dental for further treatment.

Bleeding Gums Are NOT Normal! What You Need To Know (youtube.com)

Dental exams allow your dentist to detect early onset of gums disease or caries. Treatment of early onset of these diseases will lead to higher rates of success and financially cheaper. Delayed treatment will lead to higher cost and less successful outcome.

Dental exams also give the dentist an opportunity to clean and carried out preventive treatment such as fluoride treatment.

At Kick Ass Dental we recommend that you have dental exams every six months.

At Kick Ass Dental we use digital imaging which produces the least radiation. Dental x-rays produce about 0.005mSv of radiation which is equivalent to a 1 to 2 hours flight, or the same radiation from sunlight that you receive each day. We recommend x-rays at your initial examination to detect dental diseases. You will only need to update every 2-3 years if you are in the low risk of dental disease.

Yes, we bulk billed if you are eligible.

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No, DIY orthodontic treatment is not recommended. Orthodontics is a complex treatment performed by a specialist Orthodontist. Assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, and custom personal supervision are the pillars for successful orthodontics treatment.


Denture should be clean daily using a denture brush and mild liquid soap. Denture should be soak in cold water when you are not wearing them. Denture should be check by a dentist on a regular base for any defects.

ADA NSW – Seniors

At Kick Ass Dental we are a firm believer in preventive dentistry. If you have private health cover for dental, your 6 monthly comprehensive examination (including radiograph if needed), clean and fluoride treatment is covered by your health fund, that is no gap payment is needed. If you do not have private health insurance, we charge $190.

Every tooth is unique therefore it is hard to put a fixed price on a filling or an extraction. Our price starting from $210 for a filling or extraction.